Geodetic Monitoring
- Precision GNSS measurement - station OL01
Station OL01, located near 'Cluster A' of the Cornegliano Laudense plant, houses both the seismic station and the GNSS station. GNSS instrumentation is intended to monitor the ground deformation at the surface and eventually to indicate potential anomalous phenomena. [...]
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- Differential interferometry SAR
Satellite differential interferometry SAR for the measurement of ground displacements is a remote sensing technique that allows the measurement of surface deformations with an accuracy on the order of one centimetre and in some cases, even a few millimetres [...]
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- Geodetic data used
The dataset of the OL01 station, recorded in the RINEX format file, is available in daily sessions and with 30 second sampling (2880 observations daily). [...]
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- Geodetic analysis and results
Below are the estimated time series for each GNSS LODI Network site for the time period 1/1/2017 - 31/05/2019. At the moment, the processing started on 12/12/2018 - does not show anomalous elevations of the ground. [...]
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