
This section contains the list of scientific publications concerning the Cornegliano Laudense Monitoring Network. The pdf files are downloadable through ResearchGate and Academia.

  • Priolo, E., Zinno, I., Guidarelli, M., Romanelli, M., Lanari, R., Sandron, D., Garbim, M., Peruzza, L., Romano, M.A., Zuliani, D., Tunini, L., Magrin, A.: The birth of an underground gas storage in a depleted gas reservoir— Results from integrated seismic and ground deformation monitoring. Earth and Space Science, 11, e2023EA003275., 2024
  • Romano M.A., Bernardi P., Diez E., Franceschinel F., Garbin M., Guidarelli M., Klin P., Laurenzano G., Magrin A., Moratto L., Peruzza L., Pettenati F., Plasencia M., Priolo E., Rebez A., Romanelli M., Sandron D., Santulin M., Saraò A., Tamaro A., Tunini L., Zuliani D., Bonano M., De Luca C., Lanari R., Zinno I.: Seismic and geodetic monitoring of two underground gas storages in Northern Italy, CONGRESSO SGI-SIMP 2024, 2-5 September 2024, Bari, Italy
  • Peruzza, L., Schibuola, A., Romano, M. A., Garbin, M., Guidarelli, M., Sandron, D., and Priolo, E.: A revised image of the instrumental seismicity in the Lodi area (Po Plain, Italy), Solid Earth, 12, 2021–2039,, 2021